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6 Tips For Attracting Woman

Dating is not easy for everyone. To some it could an exciting and fun activity that allows them to meet other people, and maybe even their potential life partner! But for others, this ritual can feel like a slow and painful torture, leading to an execution; especially for those men who do not have much luck when it comes to attracting women.

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The Nine Phases Of A Seduction

Here we present a nine-phase sequence which covers a male-female interaction from the initial meeting of two strangers to the consummation of the interaction in sexual intercourse. The sequence may occur on one evening, or over a number of meetings- in particular the middle phases may last over several dates. The average amount of time required from meeting to sex is usually somewhere between 5 and 9 hours- where some of the phases, such as the first, usually last only a few minutes 1. Open The man approaches the woman and initiates conversation. This phase is successfully negotiated when the woman indicates that she is willing for the man to stay- we call this indication the "hook-point".

2. Female-to-male attraction The man demonstrates his value to the female, taking care not to appear try-hard. The female responds by giving indicators of interest- light touching, eye contact, smiling etc. 3. Male-to-female attraction The man baits the female into investing in the interaction through demonstrating her own unique attractiveness- i.e.

he gives her a chance to "win him over". The man responds by rewarding the female for her efforts- either verbally, or through light touching etc. 4. Conversation Having established mutual attraction, the interaction becomes more substantial and a sense of connection and rapport is formed.

This phase is the opportunity for the male and female to discover the breadth and depth of topics and experiences which they have in common. 5. Connection Both parties feel a vibe that it is 'on'. The conversation may decrease in fervour, leading to the development of sexual tension.

Kissing usually occurs during this phase. 6. Intimacy The location for the interaction should now have moved to a more private venue, such as the home. More intimate physical contact may comfortably ensue at this phase.

7. Foreplay The couple begin the physical escalation towards sex. Premature commencement of this phase- such as in the meeting place venue - may abort the pick-up before the end.

8. Last-minute resistance This is the point of no return for the female, where she may throw out a number of emotional objections disguised as logical propositions. The man needs to reassure the female at this point of his commitment to her and the interaction. 9.

Sexual intercourse The couple have sex. It may be necessary to do this several times in order to commence a relationship. Observing a male-female interaction at this level of granularity helps maintain the smoothness of the pick-up artist's escalation, a vital ingredient for the successful communication of respect for a woman's needs in the process from meeting to sex.

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